Property Listings

Browse property listings of the J-Team at Harbor Realty below.

Ashtabula County spans nearly 30 miles of Lake Erie shoreline in Northeast Ohio. You can find a variety of property types for sale. From scenic beachfront to beautiful wooded land to charming neighborhoods near Historic Bridge Street, you will find what you’re looking for.

The J-Team at Harbor Realty services the following areas: Andover, Ashtabula, Rome, North Kingsville, Conneaut, Madison, Jefferson, Kingsville, Geneva, and Mentor.

If you would like to learn more about one or more of these property listings, or have a house you would like to list for sale, please send a message to the team. You can also join their mailing list if you are currently just browsing but want to stay informed. Simply fill out the form on the right hand side of the homepage.

Fair Housing Statement

The J-Team at Harbor Realty is committed to compliance with all federal, state, and local fair housing laws. The J-Team at Harbor Realty will not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, disability, or any other specific classes protected by applicable laws. Moreover, The J-Team at Harbor Realty will allow any reasonable accommodation or reasonable modification based upon a disability-related need. The person requesting any reasonable modification may be responsible for the related expenses.

The property listings information is powered by Homes ASAP.