Stacy Senskey

The J-Team at Harbor Realty - Stacy Senskey
The J-Team at Harbor Realty – Stacy Senskey

Contact Stacy Senskey:
(440) 223-4871

I grew up in Saybrook but have lived all over Ashtabula County and understand its diverse real estate environments. This year, I celebrated my 30th year as a licensed real estate agent by joining Harbor Realty and the J-Team. I’m excited to join this dedicated group of real estate professionals whose knowledge, experience, and genuine compassion for sellers and buyers match my own.

When it comes to Ashtabula County real estate, I am certain that Ashtabula has everything that anybody could ever need in a home, and that’s what I love about our county – its abundance of diversity and community spirit. When it concerns my clients, I feel creating something of value has to lead first with integrity, which then creates a rock-solid foundation for outstanding business relationships.

Aside from my professional memberships with the Ashtabula County Realtors, Ohio Realtors and National Association of Realtors, my personal commitments to Ashtabula County include memberships with the Ashtabula/Lake/Geauga County Farmers Union, Ashtabula County Historical Society, Broadband Taskforce, The American Legion Ladies Auxiliary, League of Women Voters, Ashtabula Downtown Development Association, and Lift Bridge Community Association. You can find me volunteering at any number of community functions.


Ashtabula County REALTORS®, member
ACR is a professional organization for real estate professionals who sell real property and businesses that work in or with the real estate industry. ACR provides a variety of services to its members including education, and legislative representation, as well as membership in the Ohio Realtors (OR) and the National Association of Realtors (NAR).

Ohio REALTORS®, member
Ohio REALTORS advocates, engages and leads to protect private property rights and advance the real estate industry. They are the leading force driving real property ownership and promoting the value of a REALTOR in strengthening Ohio’s communities.

The National Association of REALTORS®, member
The National Association of REALTORS® is a leading force in organized real estate, dedicated to its members’ success. NAR offers the chance to build your expertise and position yourself as an ethical professional your clients and community can rely on.